Difference between 450 and 525 quad bikes

Here you can see all the details and the difference between 450 SX and 505 SX quad bikes of KTM.

The link to the original .PDF file is http://www.ktmquad.com/fileadmin/atv/_media/pdf/KTM_Folder_ATVsx_td_SX_en.pdf

and the difference between 450 xc and 525 xc KTM Quads is here:



My Quad Bike said...

Wasn't completely taken with the KTM to begin with, but following the Dirt Bike Show and getting a little closer to both the models, I must admit I found them rather appealing.

Keeping my fingers crossed we get a dealer advertising them on our site so I can do a test report on one, and give our readers a little more information.

Not sure if you are independant or this is a commercial blog, either way, let me know if you have any thoughts.


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